Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer

A Personal injury lawyer is a legal professional that helps injured accident victims and their families get reimbursed for the damages they incurred because of someone else’s negligent actions or inactions. Personal injury cases often involve complex and lengthy investigations, and the law is extremely technical. For this reason, it is usually in the best interest of a victim to hire a Personal Injury lawyer to handle their case.

During the investigation phase, a personal injury attorney will gather evidence by interviewing witnesses, documenting the accident scene, and consulting with outside experts such as accident reconstruction specialists or medical professionals. The lawyer will also prepare the case for mediation or trial. This preparation involves ensuring that the adverse party and their insurance company receive copies of all of the evidence the lawyer plans to present at trial or in mediation.

It is common for victims of an accident to suffer injuries that require extensive medical treatment and ongoing care. This can have a significant impact on a victim’s life and income. A personal injury lawyer can help their client file a claim for financial reimbursement through an insurance settlement or a civil lawsuit.

The lawyer will review the victim’s current and future medical needs, as well as their loss of income or quality of life. They will then work with medical professionals to obtain a detailed assessment of the injury and its severity. This is often referred to as an Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) assessment and can be used in court to prove how severe an injury is. The lawyer will also work with medical professionals to estimate the total cost of the injured person’s future care, so that their demand for compensation includes all foreseeable expenses.

If the insurance company refuses to offer a fair settlement, the Personal Injury lawyer will file a civil lawsuit against them. At trial, the lawyer will present their evidence in front of a judge and jury. The jury will decide if the defendant is liable for the victim’s losses and award the appropriate amount of compensation.

Hiring a Personal Injury lawyer may seem like a daunting task, but there are several telltale signs that indicate it is time to call in the cavalry. Some of these signs include being contacted by an insurance company for another party, being unable to complete everyday tasks, receiving calls from debt collectors, or experiencing severe pain or emotional distress.