Finding an Emergency Dentist

When an accident, pain, or trauma strikes the mouth, you need an emergency dentist right away. Winnipeg emergency dentists offer emergency services for a range of issues and can help alleviate the pain and minimize the risk of complications. They offer 24-hour emergency dental care and will even accommodate same-day appointments.

Dr. Derek Milani

A Winnipeg dentist, Dr. Derek Milani has a passion for providing comprehensive dental care. He offers several forms of sedation to help patients feel comfortable during procedures. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his family and friends. He also likes to play golf and watch the Winnipeg Jets play hockey at the Canada Life Centre. Growing up in the south end of Winnipeg, Dr. Milani studied at the University of Manitoba and received the University Gold Medal in Dentistry.

He completed a 12-year tenure as Dean of the University of Manitoba’s dental school. He has also served on the Peer Review Committee of the aim in visiting dentists in bridgwater winnipeg Manitoba Dental Association. He has also represented Manitoba at the national ICD meeting and has worked with the NDEB. His dental education has prepared him to become a board-certified dental practitioner.

Dr. Chris Bolt

If you’re looking for a dentist in Winnipeg, Dr. Chris Bolt can help. His office is located at 385 Main St in Winkler, Manitoba. You can also find his practice online and check out his reviews. He also offers a free consultation.